
Our flagship 3-day immersive experience

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All of us, at times, will feel low, lost, or disconnected, but with little idea what’s going on.

Why am I feeling like this?”

How do I feel like myself again?

Life can feel like a “black box” - random, out of our control. Like no matter what we do, we’re at the mercy of invisible psychological swings and the chaos of life…

But life is not a black box.

You are not inexplicably anxious. You are not randomly depressed.

And it will not always be like this.

With time and reflection, you can develop a real understanding of who you are and the mechanics behind your emotional state.


Our flagship immersive experience. Over 3 days, you’ll work with our expert team
to develop your own personal blueprint - a detailed guide to you:

Who am I?

Learn about hosting built for scale and reliability.

"Outer voices" & triggers

Learn how Framer can optimize your site for search engines.

"Inner voices" & reminders

Get inspired by blogs, job openings, events and more.

The insights you find will be synthesised into your very own blueprint, your own personal instruction manual: a physical (and digital) booklet you can refer back to in times of difficulty, that will grow with you as you learn more about who you are.

The 3-day experience will teach you the fundamental ReHumanity toolkit, equipping you with the skills and techniques to understand what’s really going on when you’re feeling anxious or lost; angry / frustration / compulsivity / addictive behaviours - and help those around you struggling with the same.

Everyone’s experience is different but here’s a taster of what you can expect after completing your ReDiscovery experience:

Letting go

Use positioning to fix topbars, sidebars, and backgrounds.


Use effects like Transforms and Parallax scrolling.


Connect your site to the most popular apps out there.


Run a blog, list job openings, or manage your event schedule.


Visually structure your pages and link to them easily.


Build lightning-fast, globally optimized sites.


“Thank you for building such an empowering tool, especially for designers! The site went from Figma to Framer in less than a week.”

Kayla Ray


Experience Breakdown

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to swipe between.

Begin your ReDiscovery




2 projects


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“Thank you for building such an empowering tool, especially for designers! The site went from Figma to Framer in less than a week.”

Kayla Ray



What is Framer?

Is it easy to learn?

Do I need to code?
